Debugging Keyboard Shortcuts Chromebook (All Debug Shortcut Keys).

Many aspects of Chrome OS are lovely: it is quickly responsive, very efficient, and ideal for most daily tasks. Power users are one area in which Google does not excel, but the company is making strides to improve this issue shortly.

According to a new Google update, you can now quickly switch between the touch screen (on touch-compatible devices) and the debugging keyboard shortcuts touch screen to the left and right.

As a result of the fact that confident choices are still deemed experimental, they are now concealed from view.

Here’s how to make them accessible to the public: debugging keyboard shortcuts Chromebook

My best bet is that you’re using it for various activities such as work, browsing, productivity, and media consumption, among others.

debugging keyboard shortcuts chromebook

When it comes to portability, the bulk of Chrome OS devices takes the form of laptops, complete with a standard keyboard and touchpad.

Depending on your situation, you may not need any different input at all.

Also Read: 7 Easy Ways: How to Restart Chromebook: Fix Frozen Issue With Your Chromebook.

Getting access to debugging keyboard shortcuts features has proved problematic in the past.

A typical source of this issue is that you cannot access the chrome shortcuts browser debugging menu because you are not signed in as an administrator, so you may be unable to access it.

What Are Debugging Keyboard Shortcuts Chromebook?

Chromebooks are simple computers, but they come with many customization choices that make them uniquely their own.

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A Chromebook’s touchscreen capabilities were not a primary reason for purchasing the device in the vast majority of situations.

FunctionKeyboard Shortcut
Capture screenshot *Ctrl + Switch Window
File feedback / bug report *Alt + Shift + I
Clean shutdownPress power button for 3 to 8 seconds.
Hard shutdownPress power button for 8 seconds.
Chromebook full system resetPower + Refresh + ChromeOS-Back (F1). Hold all keys for 10 seconds and works on few devices starting model 2023
Chromebook Powerwash *Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R from desktop login screen
Battery cutoffPower + Refresh, hold for 5 seconds and then remove finger from power key.
Activate Developer mode on chromebookEsc + Refresh + Power. Follow link for further steps.
Activate Recovery mode on chrome OSMethod 1. Hold Esc + Refresh and press Power key.
Method 2. Esc + Full screen.
Chrome OS restart *Alt + Volume-Up + X
Chromebook Kernel panic/reboot *Alt + Volume-Up + X + X
Override USB-C port for charging *Left Ctrl + Right Ctrl + Search + (0 or 1 or 2 switch between options)
Virtual terminal switching between tabs *Ctrl + Alt + F1 (or F2, F3, F4)
Embedded Controller reset on chrome OSPower + Refresh
Warm Application Processor reset on chromebook OSAlt + Volume Up + R
Reboot Embedded Controller but don’t boot Application ProcessorAlt + Volume Up + Down Arrow
Force EC hibernateAlt + Volume Up + H

Note: Shortcuts with an asterisk (*) will also work with detachables keyboard or tablets with keyboard.

How Do I Enable Keyboard Debugging On Chromebook?

How Do I Enable Keyboard Debugging On Chromebook

When it comes to debugging, Chrome OS devices are equipped with a variety of advanced keyboard and button shortcuts that are especially useful.

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The differences between devices with and without keyboards and some of the variances between devices with and without keyboards are recorded in the following sections.

Before you can progress with the remainder of the procedure, you must first enable an option in your Chrome browser.

We have access to many configuration choices via the Chrome operating system, which we may access from inside the Chrome browser.

  • Open the Google Chrome web browser.
  • Add the following URL to your browser’s address bar: chrome:/flags/#ash-debug-shortcuts.
  • Look for the debugging keyboard shortcuts Chromebook button on the computer’s keyboard.
  • From the drop-down option, choose Enable to enable the feature.
  • If you need to, restart your Chromebook to get things going again.

How Do I Get To Debug Keyboard Shortcuts?

Allowing you to enable debugging tools on your Chrome OS device will help you make the installation and testing of custom programs on your device much more convenient and efficient.

Debug Keyboard Shortcuts

These features provide you the opportunity to do the following:

  • Remove RootFS verification to be able to make modifications to the operating system’s configuration files.
  • This will allow you to use programs such as cross flash to get remote access to the device.
  • Using a USB drive to boot your computer should be enabled so that you may use a USB disc to install an operating system image.
  • It would help if you personalized both the dev and the system root login passwords to be able to SSH into the device at your convenience.
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In large part, this is because debugging features allow remote access over SSH using publicly accessible keys, which undermines the system’s overall security.

You should only use them during the Out of the Box Experience (OOBE), which occurs when the device is booted into Developer Mode.

After you have finished OOBE, you will not be able to reaccess this section (for example, if you have signed into an account). You’d have to powerwash it to restore it to its original condition.

Debug Mode For The Electronic Control Module (ECM) (EC Debug Mode).

Multi-button sequences are required for specific debugging keyboard shortcuts; they must be found after entering a particular EC state known as “debug mode” (see below).

Keep the Volume-Up, and Volume-Down buttons pressed together for 10 seconds to enter debug mode.

Once the charging LED flashes, push the button to switch off the charger. The charger will then be turned off.

Also Read: Hidden Shortcuts: How To Turn OFF Touch Screen On Chromebook?

Using the Volume-Up (U) and Volume-Down (D) keys simultaneously, any of the following actions may be carried out when in debug mode:

In this situation, it is advised that you contact your administrator and seek authorization to utilize the touchscreen or even the authority to turn the touchscreen on and off, as appropriate.

It has been challenging to access the debugging features of the chrome shortcuts.

A typical source of this issue is that you cannot access the Chrome browser debugging menu because you are not signed in as an administrator, so you may be unable to access it.

In this situation, it is advised that you contact your administrator and seek authorization to utilize the touchscreen or even the authority to turn the touchscreen on and off, as appropriate.

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